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8/3/24 Eucharistic Revival

The past three years have been declared a time of Eucharistic Revival. This year’s pilgrimage walk to Indianapolis and the National Eucharistic Congress held a few weeks ago, were attended by over 50,000 people, including 1,600 priests. They are a sign, to our whole country, of a deep love relationship with the Real Presence – the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Saint Pope John Paul II said, “From the Eucharist comes the strength to live the Christian life with zeal and to share that life with others”.

Today, we know our world desperately needs us to live with the Eucharist as the center of our lives – Being Christ to each other and bringing people back to Christ – as truly Eucharistic People. 

Meditate and reflect on the readings from the event.


GOD IS LOVE and Jesus commanded, “love one another as I have loved you”.

We are being called to be Christ to each other, in the same way that Jesus gave Himself for us - with THANKSGIVING, SACRIFICE, SURRENDER, LOVE and SERVICE – always in obedience to the will of the Father.                     

Jesus is telling us:I am the Lord, Your God, who formed you in your mother’s womb before you were born, I am light             

I am tenderness              

I am mercy           

I am peace

I am the way, the truth and the life. 

I am making things new, including you. 

Be not afraid. 

I am with you.      

I am God. 

I am here.

As we rest in these truths, we move into a time of meditation, prayer and silent reflection.

Let us each ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to a deeper desire to be instruments of God’s love, of His peace – to truly be His Eucharistic People.



Let us reflect on giving thanks to Our Lord    

Our Meditation is from the Gospel of John 6:48-51 – Jesus said to the people - I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died.  This is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever, and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.

Our Prayer - You alone, Lord, chose me to be in a loving relationship with You.  Only in knowing You and Your love can I find true peace.  Only in receiving Your Real Presence in the Eucharist - Body and Blood and Soul and Divinity - do I learn, like You, to give thanks in the joys, in the sorrows, in the pain and disappointments - in all circumstances.  Jesus, fill me to overflowing with gratitude for Your presence in my life.  I want so much to joyfully and confidently celebrate and live in your Presence, every moment of every day.



Let us reflect on the merciful sacrifice of Our Lord  

There have been times that I have felt so dry, so thirsty that I felt parched.  It brings to my mind Jesus’ passion and His death on the cross, and I remember his words – I thirst.  Through His sacrifice for me, Jesus suffered so much and also experienced severe physical dehydration.  He was so thirsty, but even more, His thirst was for me to love Him with my whole heart and mind and soul.  Jesus’ thirst was so great that He gave every drop of His precious blood for me.

Our prayer – Jesus, You humbled Yourself, giving me the greatest gift of Your love – Your precious body and blood.  The vastness of your mercy, the depth of your unconditional love is incomprehensible to me.  I try Lord, but sometimes my words can wound, my attitude can judge, my pride can hold unforgiveness.  Jesus, change my heart.  I want to respond to Your thirst, loving You with my whole heart and mind and soul.



Let us reflect on surrendering our will to Our Lord

Our Lord gave St. Faustina the grace to accept her big crosses, yet sometimes I complain about even the littlest crosses in my life. When I feel the splinters from my own Cross, I often fall and have to begin again and again.  Today, Lord, You invite me to ask for Your grace - to surrender to You and be filled with a deeper trust and hope in Your promises.   With Your grace, I will know You are holding my hand each step of my journey. 

Our Prayer – Jesus, You carried Your cross filled with love for me.  I trust You as my Best Friend. You alone do not disappoint me. You always listen when I talk to you, even when my worries aren’t realistic.  How could I live without You? How could I live without Your love, Your mercy, Your grace in my life?  How can I not share Your love with others?



Let us reflect on how to better serve Our Lord

To grow in my true desire to serve You Lord, I need to return to the center, in my heart, and find there the gentle voice that speaks to me and affirms me in a way no human voice ever could.  I need my silent time with You Lord to feel Your all-embracing love.  The more I listen, the more I know Your love, the more I want to share what I have found in You.

Our Prayer – Lord, I must give my answer each time I approach your altar and hear the words “The Body of Christ”.  Do I tremble with joy, knowing it is Your body, blood, soul and divinity I am receiving?  Do I thirst for You?  Do I respond with a faith-filled AMEN?  Please bless me with Your grace to follow our Mother Mary – may her response be mine – “May it be done to me according to your word”.  Lord fill me with her tremendous YES – following Your way of self-giving in service and love for others.



Let us reflect on how we show our love for Our Lord

In the Gospel of John, John calls himself the Beloved.  He did not believe he was more important, or more loved than the other apostles.  John knew he was a sinner and during his life, he probably did things he was not proud of.  But John knew Jesus, and knew His love is all encompassing, all accepting, all forgiving and he could rest in peace in the love of Jesus Christ.  John knew he was a beloved child of God.  God says I am the same!  He wants ME to fully open my heart to receive Him, to be loved by Him and to walk in His love as His beloved child.

Our Prayer - Lord, I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit that I would fully open my hands and my heart and my mind to accept Your love as Your Beloved Child - in every moment, in every situation.  I want to love as I am loved by You.  I want to have the depth of love that creates a burning desire within me -- to share Your love with all people that You bring into my life, making me a gift, as you, Jesus, made a gift of yourself in the Eucharist. 



Lord, Jesus Christ, You give us your flesh and blood for the life of the world and You desire that all people come to the Supper of the Sacrifice of the Lamb.  Renew in your church the trust, beauty and goodness contained in the Most Blessed Eucharist.

Jesus, living in the Eucharist, come and live in me.Jesus, living in the Eucharist, come and heal me.Jesus, sacrificing Yourself in the Eucharist come and suffer in me.Jesus, rising in the Eucharist, come and rise to new life in me.Jesus, loving in the Eucharist, come and love in me.Lord Jesus Christ, through the pascal mystery of Your death and resurrection, made present in every Holy Mass, pour out Your healing love on your Church and on our World.  Grant that we lift You up during this time of Eucharistic Revival, your Holy Spirit may draw all people to join us at the Banquet of Life.


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