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12/14/24 Advent Gathering

Although it was a rainy Saturday evening, there were about 30 Cursillistas and friends that gathered at St. Bernadette Catholic Church Parish Hall. Rector, Anthony Bonna, started the evening with prayer, Deacon Joe O'Connell blessed the food as we gathered to share in the potluck culinary creations. We listened to Christmas music during the meal and fellowship. Mary Cruz-Gordish spoke from her heart about prayer and sacrifices for her family. The Lord blessed and walked with her through trials and triumphs that ultimately brought her closer to God, her family and group reunion sisters. Keep reading for the entire story.

My name is Mary Cruz, and I made my Cursillo in 1998 in North Andover, MA. I sat at the table of Saint Cecilia. My husband Jeff and I worship at Saint Peter Catholic Church in Jupiter, Florida.

It’s amazing how God can work in our lives and make us grow in faith, even when we think that we are NOT ready for it. In September of this year, my mom called asking for prayers, since she had an ultrasound on her uterus, and the doctor said that it was looking like cancer. The doctor asked her to take a hysteroscopy in order to understand her condition with more certainty. I was nervous about the whole situation, but I said that we were going to pray and ask God for a cure.

I texted my Cursillo group and told them about the situation with my mom, and they were all helping me with prayers. In a week or so, my mom called saying that she got the result, and it was negative. She had polyps, but she did not have cancer. She would have surgery to remove the polyps. I called my group with the good news and they were all happy. I couldn’t thank God and my friends enough. I decided to go to Brazil to help my mom, and was ready to book a flight as soon as the doctor scheduled the surgery.

A week later, my mom woke up in the middle of the night. She was sick with dizziness and headaches. My dad took her to the ER. The doctor took an x-ray and showed that her carotid vein was 25% constricted. He scheduled a CT scan. When she got the result for the CT scan, the doctor said that she had a tumor on her frontal head. My mom called me again asking for prayers. It was the night before Cursillo de Cursillo.

I shared with one of my friends from my Cursillo group, and asked her to help me pray. The Cursillo de Cursillo was amazing with beautiful Palancas. I was touched and consoled by the Holy Spirit. I was doing 40 days with Saint Michael, which starts 40 days before his feast. This Lent to Saint Michael includes praying the rosary, reflecting on the gospel, fasting, etc.

My husband and I decided to pray a novena to Saint Therese, and included intentions for my mom, and for my uncle that was sick at the hospital. We also prayed for so many others that are sick and have asked for our prayers. On the last day of the novena, I received a bouquet of flowers from the family that employs me. It was both my birthday, as well as the feast day for St. Therese. After all, I am Jeff’s rose, and for those of you that know Jeff, you know how strong his relationship is with St. Therese. It did not click right away, but the bouquet had three red roses. I have worked for this family for almost ten years, and my clients know that I am not a big fan of red roses. However, I was very thankful for the gesture from my clients.

On that morning, my uncle got released from the hospital. I got so happy and texted my group saying that it was my birthday gift. The next day, my mom had an appointment with the neurologist, and she called me from his office, so that the doctor could explain exactly what happened with the tumor. The doctor told me that although my mom has a tumor, her body fought against the tumor, and the tumor is now calcified. The doctor said that my mom can live a normal life. He prescribed a medicine for her carotid vein, but he told us that my mom was good to have the surgery needed to remove the polyps and tissue surrounding her uterus. My brothers and sisters, my heart was filled with Joy and happiness. Once again, I texted my group and they were all happy and praising the Lord.

After I finished my conversation on the phone with the doctor, my client came to apologize for the fact that they didn’t find a better bouquet. He knew that I didn’t like red roses, but he said that it was the most beautiful, even though it had the roses. I said to him that I needed those roses that day, and that they were blessings from God, with Saint Therese and Saint Michael’s help. I told him about the novena, my uncle, and my mom. He was very surprised, and wanted to know more. I didn’t miss the opportunity, and I started to explain the novena. He asked me so many questions, since he is Jewish. It was a great conversation, and it made him think. After our conversation, my client thanked me for sharing, and said that he felt much better about the bouquet. He said that it was supposed to be like that Mary. God heard you and helped you. I said Amen and thank God!!

As soon as my mom learned of the surgery date, I scheduled my trip to Brazil to help her. Everything went will with the surgery and the recovery.

What I have learned on these past few months is the fact that we are not alone, and God is always there with his arms wide open to help us. When we pray, miracles happen. God always give us strength, and He proves us in order for us to grow in faith. Our help comes from The Lord, Psalm 21:1-2 –

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers. Rather, the law of the Lord is his joy; and on his law he meditates day and night.

We make Him happy when we gather to pray, and then he can’t resist for blessing us.

I’m so happy with everything that He has done for me, my family, and my friends. I’m thankful for my Cursillo group, for these beautiful friends that God has added to my life. I’m thankful for being part of Cursillo, and I feel like I’m growing in faith, and I’m surrounded by real brothers and sisters.

Our faith is so beautiful, and there is so much strength in our personal sacrifice and worship. Cursillo adds to this strength. Palanca makes us grow in faith, and that is why it’s important to share, not only for what He has done in our lives, but what we are doing as a sacrifice for Him. For example, this year, my husband and I decided to go to Mass service and to stay for Adoration every Friday, so that God can work on our marriage, helping us to grow in faith and love. It’s been just one year, but we can feel a difference every single day. We pray every night together, even when we are tired. So, as you all know, that’s only because of Jeff. He is difficult to deal with….ha ha ha haa

In 2011, I gave up meat, and that’s not easy for a Brazilian, but I did it for a great reason. Jesus made a miracle happen on my nephew’s life thirteen years ago, and it’s been worth it. I am sharing this not because I’m good, but because God is good all the time, and we all have something to offer as a Palanca to God. We can taste and see the difference in our lives because of Him, but it is important to be humble in the presence of the Lord, and to say, here I am, knowing that He is Emmanuel God with us. He’s faithful, even when things don’t happen the way that we pray for them to happen. When we are in Him, we often realize much later, and it’s clear that what we were asking was not supposed to be.

God knows exactly what we need, and everything will happen on His time, not on our time. May The Holy Spirit come upon us and prepare our hearts to embrace Jesus even more in our lives, for He’s coming, and we are going to see The King.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for this opportunity. Let us pray --- Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art Thou among women, and Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen


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