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11/5/22 Ultreya

New Cusillista and Rector for the November 5 Ultreya at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Melanie Cherrez, opened the evening with the Come Holy Spirit prayer and requested the 29 attendees to break out into groups to discuss their piety, study and action. After the grouping, Melanie introduced new Cursillista, Brandon Bevacqua, who happens to be Melanie's fiancé. He posed the question to the group, "How do we evangelize in the modern world?" Brandon then proceeded to explain his story of being a fallen away cradle Catholic. He was pondering this question during adoration when he experienced God's love ~ which is the answer to the question. We evangelize through God's love.

Brandon stated his Cursillo weekend renewed his zeal for the Lord, which prompted him to make daily holy hours. He immersed himself in God's love and deepened his relationship. We all need a deep personal relationship with Christ- to talk with him about everything in our life and listen to His perspective. This will help us grow closer to Him, and in turn, closer in relationship with others to bring them closer to Christ, using the gifts that God bestowed on us.

Jaimee Perez shared the first echo and how important it is to listen to hear God's voice. "We have to be convicted that Jesus is the answer before bringing Him to the world." Talk to Jesus about the people He puts on your heart and how to evangelize to them." Melanie followed with the second echo and was reminded that during a deacon's talk on her weekend, he stated "You have to first establish a vertical relationship with Christ, before the horizontal relationships with family, friends and others. Jesus is our model as He made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Deacon Joe 'Connell rounded off the evening with sharing his close moment of the week- reading Brandon's witness talk. He explained it reminded him of excerpts of John 15- The vine and the branches. Remain in me and I in you. This is repeated seven times throughout the Chapter. In John 17- Jesus prays to the Father from his heart and prays to consecrate himself to us, "I in them and you in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me, and that you loved them even as you loved me." John 17:23


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